Frequently Asked Questions

Net metering is a vital policy that ensures your solar investment pays off. In many US states, it guarantees a credit for each kilowatt-hour your system contributes to the grid. During the day, surplus energy you produce is credited to your account, which you draw upon at night or on cloudy days. Essentially, net metering lets you use the grid as your personal battery, slashing electricity costs and driving the growth of solar energy. It's a crucial policy that advocates for clean energy must continue to support.

The Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), available to qualifying homeowners installing solar, offers potential reductions or even elimination of federal tax liability upon solar installation. Recently increased from 26% to 30%, it provides a compelling incentive for homeowners to adopt solar energy. Leveraging the ITC, homeowners can receive a tax credit equivalent to a percentage of their solar system's cost, potentially without any upfront payment if financed. Seizing this opportunity supports both clean energy initiatives and financial savings, making now an opportune time to embrace solar.

One of the most frequently asked questions from our clients pertains to the workings of solar warranties, which come in three main types:
Firstly, there's the warranty on the panels. Typically lasting for 25 years, this ensures that the panels will continue to function and produce power throughout this period. Depending on the panel chosen, this guarantee may range from maintaining 85% to 92% of their initial power output.
The second type of warranty concerns the inverter, responsible for converting solar energy into usable AC current. Inverter warranties generally span from 12 to 25 years, with options for extended coverage up to 30 years, providing added assurance.
Lastly, there's the workmanship warranty, lasting for 10 years, ensuring the quality of installation and maintenance work carried out by our team. This covers all aspects of installation, including work on the roof and within the electrical panel, guaranteeing a hassle-free experience.
With warranties ranging from 25 years on panels, 12 to 30 years on inverters, and a 10-year workmanship guarantee, we're fully committed to safeguarding your solar investment and ensuring its long-term value for you.

"How does SunRisePowur contribute back? That's the core essence of our company. When our founder, Jonathan Budd, embarked on a transformative journey to the Amazon rainforest at the age of 26, he sought a career imbued with meaning and purpose, leading him to champion solar and sustainable energy upon his return.
Thus, the genesis of our company underscores our commitment to environmental and societal impact. SunRisePowur operates as a public benefit corporation, legally mandated to effect positive change for the planet and its inhabitants.
To uphold this commitment, we've instituted a comprehensive carbon offset program, addressing both our team's emissions and the manufacturing footprint of solar equipment. As the pioneer solar company to offset manufacturing emissions, we've invested profits into global initiatives like reforestation projects, carbon capture endeavors, and providing clean cookstoves in Uganda.
Moreover, we've democratized ownership of our business through crowdfunding, with nearly 1000 homeowners, energy consultants, and employees as stakeholders. SunRisePowur is a company by the people, for the people, driven by a purpose to make a tangible difference."

It is well-documented that solar increases the value of your home. The reason for this is that it's a home investment that actually produces income. A solar system sits on your roof and generates electricity, and there is a value for each kilowatt of electricity your system produces.
In fact, each KW you produce is a KW that you don’t have to purchase from your electric company. Plus the future value of all of those savings is valuable to the next buyer of your home.
Another amazing reason to go solar today - get the economic benefits today, and get more for the sale of your home tomorrow.

Not every home qualifies for solar, so it's a matter of luck. Let's hope your home is among the fortunate ones, offering potential savings. There are three key considerations:
Firstly, "sun exposure" is crucial. We assess whether your roof or the designated solar panel location receives adequate sunlight by analyzing satellite imagery and other technology to ensure optimal solar access.
Secondly, orientation matters. Panels ideally face South or West to capture the most sunshine, so we assess the direction your panels would face for optimal performance.
Lastly, structural issues with your house or roof could pose challenges for panel mounting. If solar isn't feasible, there's no harm done; you've gained valuable knowledge. That's why I urge you to contact us for a no-cost proposal, allowing us to analyze your property and demonstrate potential savings from going solar.

The common question regarding solar is, "How do I finance it?" The misconception that it requires upfront cash is outdated. Nowadays, solar is often the most economical energy option across much of the United States. With accessible finance programs and low interest rates, zero-down financing is readily available for most homeowners. There are two primary financing routes: low-interest loans or leases.
Opting for a zero-down loan allows you to select a term ranging from five to 25 years, with competitive rates. With this option, your monthly utility bill is replaced by a more affordable payment to your loan provider, allowing you to pocket the difference.
Alternatively, if obtaining a loan isn't feasible, a lease may be preferred. This entails monthly lease payments over approximately 20 years, typically at a lower cost than your previous utility bill, resulting in monthly savings.
Our consultants are dedicated to helping you navigate these options. When you receive a proposal from us, our consultants will guide you through the various choices, showcasing the potential savings with SunRisePowur. We strive to simplify the process, ensuring you comprehend your options and can make an informed decision.

What occurs after signing an agreement to go solar with SunRisePowur? The agreement marks the pivotal step, with the rest of the process seamlessly managed by our team. Upon signing, you'll be assigned a dedicated project manager to guide you through every phase.
Firstly, we schedule a site survey, followed by the creation of a design submitted to the city for a construction permit. Once the permit is secured, we arrange the installation, typically spanning 1-3 days depending on system size. Post-installation, we schedule inspections with the city and/or utility company to obtain "permission to operate" (PTO). Once PTO is granted, your system is powered on, providing clean solar energy for your home. The entire process usually takes 30-60 days, with much of the time spent awaiting permits and inspections.

Is purchasing a battery necessary for homeowners? There are two primary benefits:
Firstly, a battery provides backup power in case of grid outages. In scenarios like natural disasters or emergencies, having a battery ensures continuous electricity supply even when the utility company cannot deliver.
Secondly, homeowners in regions with specific rate structures can potentially save money by using a battery. By storing power during off-peak times and using it during peak hours, they can avoid higher electricity costs. While net metering policies may suffice for cost savings in many areas, having a battery offers additional peace of mind. Consult with your SunRisePowur advisor for detailed information and proposals regarding the cost and benefits of adding a battery to your system. We collaborate with leading battery manufacturers to ensure you receive the best solution tailored to your needs.

Let's discuss your choices. When it comes to shaping your energy future, there are essentially two paths.
Option one: Embrace solar power. Take charge of your energy consumption, reduce costs compared to traditional utility bills, enhance your home's value, achieve energy independence, and contribute to environmental preservation. Solar energy is clean and sustainable, offering a way to power our lives responsibly. With Powur, transitioning to solar is straightforward. We offer zero-down financing and handle every aspect of the project, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.
Option two: Stick with your current utility provider. While your lights will likely stay on, you'll continue to pay higher energy costs month after month. This arrangement ties you to perpetual payments, an ongoing expense for a service you'll always need. However, by choosing solar, you can lower your energy bills and eventually enjoy free energy once any financing is paid off. Imagine the freedom of no longer being tethered to monthly utility bills.
Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. Consider whether continuing with traditional utilities aligns with your financial and environmental goals, or if transitioning to solar with Powur offers a more sustainable and cost-effective solution. We are committed to serving you, saving you money, and empowering you to take pride in how you power your home. Choose wisely, and we hope you'll join us in shaping a brighter, greener future with solar energy.